Risk Analysis

Our Services
One of the most important activities that TRR has been carrying out since 1985 is the analysis of industrial risk, in support of Seveso Directive. The TRR experience extends in the following fields:
One of the most important activities that TRR has been carrying out since 1985 is the analysis of industrial risk, in support of Seveso Directive.

The TRR experience extends in the following fields:
  • hydrocarbon extraction, refining and treatment in petrochemical plants
  • extraction from oil fields and natural gas treatment
  • Inorganic and organic chemical plants
  • Storage of hazardous substances compliance to Seveso Directive
  • Transport of dangerous goods (eg LPG, LNG, ammonia, hydrogen, etc.) by road, rail, pipeline, ship, etc.
  • Combustion plants and incinerators
  • Steel, plant treatment processes of ferrous and non-ferrous metals

The techniques used by TRR for risk analysis are:
  • Indexed methods
  • Reliability, availability, maintenance and safety
  • Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP)
  • Fault and Event Tree Analysis (FTA)
  • Analysis of the functional safety (SIL Allocation / SIL Verification)
  • Individual and social risk calculation
  • The main services offered in this field are:
  • Analysis with indexed methods, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), HAZard and OPerability analysis (HAZOP), Fault and Event Trees Analysis, Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
  • Analysis of reliability, availability, maintenance and safety
  • The authorization process on the modifications to be made in risk of a major accident plants
  • Risk analysis concerning the presence of dangerous substances for the environment
  • Risk analysis for the design of storage of liquefied hydrogen in an industrial area
  • risk management for the evaluation of its acceptability or for increasing the level of security